Репозиторий Института вулканологии и сейсмологии ДВО РАН
Институт вулканологии и сейсмологии ДВО РАН
Объекты ИВиС

The 15 March 2019 Bezymianny Volcano Explosive Eruption and Its Products

Girina O.A. ORCID logoORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4918-2338, Gorbach N.V., Davydova V.O., Melnikov D.V., Manevich T.M, Manevich A.G., Demyanchuk Yu.V. (2020) The 15 March 2019 Bezymianny Volcano Explosive Eruption and Its Products // Journal of Volcanology and Seismology. Iss. 14. No. 6. pp. 394-409. doi: 10.1134/S0742046320060032.

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Bezymianny Volcano is one of the most active volcanoes in Kamchatka and in the world. This paper describes the preparation, behavior, products, dynamics, and the geological effect of the March 15, 2019 explosive eruption of the volcano, which was predicted 6.5 h before it began. The sequence of eruptive events was analyzed using data provided by video and satellite-based monitoring of the volcano; the quantitative characteristics for the distribution of pyroclastic deposits were obtained in the information system “Remote Monitoring of Activity of Volcanoes in Kamchatka and the Kurile Islands”. The explosions lifted ash to heights of 15 km above sea level (up to 12 km above the volcano), the eruptive cloud was moving northeastward and east from the volcano, the main ashfall area was 210 400 km2, including 15 000 km2 on land. Apart from tephra, the eruption produced pyroclastic flows and pyroclastic surges covering an area of 30 km2. The total volume of explosive products is estimated as 0.1–0.2 km3. The eruptive rocks are calc-alkaline moderate-K basaltic andesites (SiO2 = 54.84–56.29 wt %), they are the most mafic among all rocks of the current Bezymianny eruption cycle.
Тип объекта: Статья
Название: The 15 March 2019 Bezymianny Volcano Explosive Eruption and Its Products
Язык: English
Издание: Journal of Volcanology and Seismology
ISSN Print: 0742-0463
ISSN Online: 1819-7108
Тематика: 3 ГРНТИ - Государственный рубрикатор научно-технической информации > 38 ГЕОЛОГИЯ > 38.37 Петрография > 38.37.25 Вулканология
1 Вулканы > 1.1 Вулканы Курило-Камчатского региона > 1.1.1 Камчатка > Безымянный
Разместивший пользователь: к.г.-.м.н. О.А. Гирина
Дата размещения: 30 Ноя 2020 08:04
Последнее изменение: 22 Янв 2021 01:05
URI: http://repo.kscnet.ru/id/eprint/3953

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