Шакирова А.А. (2022) Сейсмические эффекты, предварявшие эксплозии на вулкане Карымский (п-ов Камчатка) в феврале 2019 года // Вестник КРАУНЦ. Серия: Науки о Земле. Вып. 53. № 1. С. 12-23. doi: 10.31431/1816-5524-2022-1-53-12-23.
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After a short period of quiescence, in February 2019, Karymsky volcano (Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia) became active. During the month, a large number of moderate explosions were recorded, some of which were preceded with some periodicity by long-period earthquakes with a high degree of similarity of waveforms. The duration of the multiplet events that preceded the explosions ranged from 4 to 70 minutes. The period between earthquakes decreased as the multiplets developed. The amplitude of earthquake records either increased or remained at the same level. The multiplets with higher amplitude of earthquake records preceded the strongest eruptions. The decreasing period between earthquakes is most likely related to the acceleration of magma ascent and an increase in gas pressure in the volcanic channel. If this is true, the absence of long-period earthquakes after the eruption marks a complete release of gas pressure in the volcanic edifice.
Аннотация (перевод)
After a short period of quiescence, in February 2019, Karymsky volcano (Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia) became active. During the month, a large number of moderate explosions were recorded, some of which were preceded with some periodicity by long-period earthquakes with a high degree of similarity of waveforms. The duration of the multiplet events that preceded the explosions ranged from 4 to 70 minutes. The period between earthquakes decreased as the multiplets developed. The amplitude of earthquake records either increased or remained at the same level. The multiplets with higher amplitude of earthquake records preceded the strongest eruptions. The decreasing period between earthquakes is most likely related to the acceleration of magma ascent and an increase in gas pressure in the volcanic channel. If this is true, the absence of long-period earthquakes after the eruption marks a complete release of gas pressure in the volcanic edifice.
Тип объекта: | Статья |
Название: | Сейсмические эффекты, предварявшие эксплозии на вулкане Карымский (п-ов Камчатка) в феврале 2019 года |
Название (перевод): | Seismic effects ahead of Karymsky volcano (Kamchatka) explosions in february 2019 |
Язык: | Русский |
Издание: | Вестник КРАУНЦ. Серия: Науки о Земле |
ISSN Print: | 1816-5524 |
ISSN Online: | 1816-5532 |
Ключевые слова: | вулкан, землетрясение, Карымский, сейсмичность, эксплозивное извержение, мультиплет, Karymsky volcano, explosion, seismicity, earthquake multiplets |
Тематика: | 3 ГРНТИ - Государственный рубрикатор научно-технической информации > 37 ГЕОФИЗИКА > 37.31 Физика Земли > 37.31.19 Сейсмология 1 Вулканы > 1.1 Вулканы Курило-Камчатского региона > 1.1.1 Камчатка > Карымский |
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Разместивший пользователь: | И.М. Романова |
Дата размещения: | 07 Окт 2022 00:51 |
Последнее изменение: | 07 Окт 2022 00:51 |
URI: | http://repo.kscnet.ru/id/eprint/4390 |
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