Репозиторий Института вулканологии и сейсмологии ДВО РАН
Институт вулканологии и сейсмологии ДВО РАН
Объекты ИВиС

Объекты, автором которых является "Yurova L.M."

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Перейти к: 2005 | 2002 | 1995 | 1992
Количество объектов: 5.


Taran Yuri, Yurova L.M. (2005) Reconnaissance Geochemical Survey of the Rio de Calientes, Tutupaca, Pocollo, and Aruntaya – Puente Ccollo Geothermal Areas, Western Cordillera of Southernmost Peru / Aruntani Report . . pp. 1-34.


Taran Yuri, Inguaggiato Salvatore, Marin M., Yurova L.M. (2002) Geochemistry of fluids from submarine hot springs at Punta de Mita, Nayarit, Mexico // Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. No. 115. pp. 329-338.


Taran Yuri, Yurova L.M. (1995) Chemical and isotopic study of high-temperature Kirevna geothermal system, Kamchatka // GEOSEA'95, VIII Regional Conference on Geology Minerals and Energy Resources of SW Asia, Phulippines. pp. 34.

Taran Yuri, Yurova L.M. (1995) Volcanic-hydrothermal system of Baransky volcano, Iturup, Kurile islands // IUGG XXI General Assembley. pp. VA41C - 6.


Taran Yuri, Yurova L.M. (1992) The origin of SO4-Cl acidic brines from the Baransky geothermal field, Kuriles // XIX International Geology Congress, Kyoto, Japan. pp. 10.

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