Репозиторий Института вулканологии и сейсмологии ДВО РАН
Институт вулканологии и сейсмологии ДВО РАН
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Объекты, автором которых является "Senyukov Sergey"

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Количество объектов: 4.


Mania Rene, Walter Thomas, Belousova Marina, Belousov Alexander, Senyukov Sergey (2019) Deformations and Morphology Changes Associated with the 2016–2017 Eruption Sequence at Bezymianny Volcano, Kamchatka // Remote Sensing. No. 11. pp. 1278. doi: 10.3390/rs11111278.


Edwards Ben, Belousov Alexander, Belousova Marina, Volynets Anna, Melnikov Dmitry, Chirkov Sergey, Senyukov Sergey, Gordeev Evgenii, Muraviev Yaroslav, Izbekov Pavel, Demianchuk Yury (2013) Another “Great Tolbachik” Eruption? // Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union. Vol. 94, No. 21. pp. 189-191. doi: 10.1002/2013EO210002.

Ji Lingyun, Lu Zhong, Dzurisin Daniel, Senyukov Sergey (2013) Pre-eruption deformation caused by dike intrusion beneath Kizimen volcano, Kamchatka, Russia, observed by InSAR // Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. Vol. 256, pp. 87 - 95. doi: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2013.02.011.

Koulakov Ivan, Gordeev Evgeniy I., Dobretsov Nikolay L., Vernikovsky Valery A., Senyukov Sergey, Jakovlev Andrey, Jaxybulatov Kayrly (2013) Rapid changes in magma storage beneath the Klyuchevskoy group of volcanoes inferred from time-dependent seismic tomography // Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. Vol. 263, pp. 75 - 91. doi: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2012.10.014.

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