Репозиторий Института вулканологии и сейсмологии ДВО РАН
Институт вулканологии и сейсмологии ДВО РАН
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Объекты, автором которых является "Demyanchuk Yu.V."

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Количество объектов: 19.


Girina O.A., Gorbach N.V., Davydova V.O., Melnikov D.V., Manevich T.M, Manevich A.G., Demyanchuk Yu.V. (2020) The 15 March 2019 Bezymianny Volcano Explosive Eruption and Its Products // Journal of Volcanology and Seismology. Iss. 14. No. 6. pp. 394-409. doi: 10.1134/S0742046320060032.

Ozerov A.Yu., Girina O.A., Zharinov N.A., Belousov A.B., Demyanchuk Yu.V. (2020) Eruptions in the Northern Group of Volcanoes, in Kamchatka, during the Early 21st Century // Journal of Volcanology and Seismology. Vol. 14, pp. 1-17. doi: 10.1134/S0742046320010054.

Girina O.A., Melnikov D.V., Manevich A.G., Nuzhdaev A.A., Demyanchuk Yu.V. (2018) Kamchatka Volcano Explosive Eruptions in 2017 and Danger to Aviation // EGU General Assembly 2018. Viena: EGU General Assembly 2018. No. 3805.

Girina O.A., Melnikov D.V., Manevich A.G., Demyanchuk Yu.V., Nuzhdaev A.A., Petrova E. (2016) Kamchatka and North Kurile Volcano Explosive Eruptions in 2015 and Danger to Aviation // Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 18, EGU2016-2101, 2016 EGU General Assembly 2016. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.1.5179.4001.

Girina O.A., Manevich A.G., Melnikov D.V., Nuzhdaev A.A., Demyanchuk Yu.V. (2014) Activity of Kamchatkan Volcanoes in 2012-2013 and Danger to Aviation // Abstracts. International Workshop “JKASP-8”. Sapporo. Japan. September 22-26. 2014.

Girina O.A., Manevich A.G., Melnikov D.V., Demyanchuk Yu.V., Petrova E. (2014) Explosive Eruptions of Kamchatkan Volcanoes in 2013 and Danger to Aviation // EGU2014. Abstracts.. Vienna, Austria. pp. 1468.

Girina O.A., Manevich A.G., Melnikov D.V., Nuzhdaev A.A., Demyanchuk Yu.V., Petrova E. (2013) Explosive Eruptions of Kamchatkan Volcanoes in 2012 and Danger to Aviation // EGU General Assembly 2013. Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vienna, Austria. Iss. V15. No. 6760-1.

Girina O.A., Manevich A.G., Ushakov S.V., Nuzhdaev A.A., Melnikov D.V., Konovalova O.A., Demyanchuk Yu.V. (2011) Explosive Eruptions of Kamchatkan Volcanoes in 2010 // Abstract. EGU General Assembly. April 3-8. Vienna. 2011. EGU2011-2342 (XY 513). Iss. 13.

Girina O.A., Manevich A.G., Melnikov D.V., Ushakov S.V., Nuzhdaev A.A., Konovalova O.A., Demyanchuk Yu.V. (2011) KVERT Project: Danger for Aviation during Eruptions of Kamchatkan Volcanoes in 2009-2010 // Abstracts. International Workshop “JKASP-7”. Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. August 25-30. 2011. Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: IVS FED RAS. pp. 29-30.

Girina O.A., Ushakov S.V., Malik N.A., Manevich A.G., Melnikov D.V., Nuzhdaev A.A., Demyanchuk Yu.V., Kotenko L.V. (2009) The active volcanoes of Kamchatka and Paramushir Island, North Kurils in 2007 // Journal of Volcanology and Seismology. Iss. 3. No. 1. pp. 1-17. doi: 10.1134/S0742046309010011.

Carter A.J., Girina O.A., Ramsey M.S., Demyanchuk Yu.V. (2008) ASTER and field observations of the 24 December 2006 eruption of Bezymianny Volcano, Russia // Remote Sensing of Environment. Iss. 112. pp. 2569-2577. doi: 10.1016/j.rse.2007.12.001.

Girina O.A., Manevich A.G., Malik N.A., Melnikov D.V., Ushakov S.V., Demyanchuk Yu.V., Kotenko L.V. (2007) Active volcanoes of Kamchatka and Northern Kurils in 2005 // Journal of Volcanology and Seismology. Iss. 1. No. 4. pp. 237-247. doi: 10.1134/S0742046307040021.

Girina O.A., Senyukov S.L., Demyanchuk Yu.V., Khubunaya S.A., Ushakov S.V. (2004) The eruption of Sheveluch volcano, Kamchatka, on May 10, 2004 // 4rd International Biennial Workshop on Subduction Processes emphasizing the Japan-Kurile-Kamchatka-Aleutian Arcs, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, August 21-27, 2004. Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: IVS FED RAS. pp. 17-18.

Ozerov A.Yu., Karpov G.A., Droznin V.A., Dvigalo V.N., Demyanchuk Yu.V., Ivanov V.V., Belousov A.B., Firstov P.P., Gavrilov V.A., Yaschuk V.V., Okrugina A.I. (1997) The September 7 - October 2, 1994 Eruption of Klyuchevskoi Volcano, Kamchatka // Volcanology and Seismology. No. 18. pp. 501-516.

Girina O.A., Bogoyavlenskaya G.E., Demyanchuk Yu.V. (1993) Bezymianny eruption of August 02, 1989 // Volcanology and Seismology. Iss. 15. No. 2. pp. 135-144.

Zharinov N.A., Gorelchik V.I., Zhdanova E.Yu., Andreev V.N., Belousov A.B., Belousova M.G., Gavrilenko V.A., Garbuzova V.T., Demyanchuk Yu.V., Khanzutin V.P. (1993) The Eruptions of the Northern Group of Volcanoes on Kamchatka in 1988-1989: Seismological and Geodesic Data // Volcanology and Seismology. Vol. 13, Iss. 6. pp. 649-681.

Zharinov N.A., Gorelchik V.I., Belousov A.B., Belousova M.G., Garbuzova V.T., Demyanchuk Yu.V., Zhdanova E.Yu. (1991) Volcanic eruptions and seismic activity at Klyuchevskoi, Bezymiannyi and Shiveluch in 1986-1987 // Volcanology and Seismology. Vol. 12, Iss. 3. pp. 327-345.

Конференционный материал

Girina O.A., Manevich A.G., Melnikov D.V., Demyanchuk Yu.V., Nuzhdaev A.A., Petrova E. (2015) Kamchatkan Volcanoes Explosive Eruptions in 2014 and Danger to Aviation // EGU2015-3174, Vienna, Austria, 2015. Vienna, Austria: EGU General Assembly 2015.

Girina O.A., Manevich A.G., Melnikov D.V., Nuzhdaev A.A., Demyanchuk Yu.V., Petrova E. (2014) Strong Explosive Eruptions of Kamchatkan Volcanoes in 2013 // . Yokohama, Japan: JpGU.

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